Thursday, June 11, 2020

Phil Lawler forced to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise

Image result for Photo PhilLawler
The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in the diocese of Manchester, USA ,where Phil Lawler is on the faculty,is linked to the St. Benet Hall, Oxford University, where Dr. Joseph Shaw teaches.Both use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II to keep their teaching job.
Phil Lawler has been forced to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise like the rest of the faculty at this educational institution in the diocese of Bishop Peter Libasci.He has the approval of the bishop and his Curia and that of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).If he did not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms there could be no division with Tradition. If they did not use the false premise they would be affirming Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the Athansius Creed which says all need the Catholic faith for salvation.
The use of the irrationality is acceptable for the CDF, the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the bishops in England and Wales.
The Latin Mass Societies, Una Voce, Society of St. Pius X and Lepanto Foundation use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents , it has been reported in the past.Similarly in the diocese of Manchester,USA  at Mass in Latin and English, the priest has to use the false premise to create heresy, schism and division in the Church.FSSP is recognised in the diocese since they use the false premise.
Image result for Photo Cardinal Sarah vatican dicaster
This would be an impediment for offering Holy Mass but there is no comment from Cardinal Sarah or the Secretary of the Vatican Congregation for the Liturgy.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 10, 2020

Propaganda Lgbt "nel nome di Dio". Phil Lawler: "Atto gravissimo ...

Diocese of Manchester, USA and CDF grant canonical status for religious communities which interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, inference and conclusion

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