Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict used the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.

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The development of doctrine is fidelity in newness

Certain critiques of the current pontificate
challenge the Second Vatican Council
and end up forgetting the Magisterium 
of Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Lionel: Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict 
 used the false premise to interpret Vatican 
 Council II. It is there in black and white
 before us.
So this is another propaganda-piece.
Sergio Certofanti
Certain doctrinal criticisms of the current
pontificate show a gradual but  increasingly
 clear-cut separation from the Vatican II
Council — not from a certain interpretation
 of some texts, but from the Council
 texts themselves. Some interpretations
that insist on contrasting Pope Francis with
 his immediate predecessors thus end up
 openly criticizing even St John Paul II
and Benedict XVI, or by passing over
in silence some fundamental aspects
 of their  ministry that represent
evident developments of the latest Council.
Lionel: There cannot be a 
development with the use 
of a false premise to create 
a rupture with Traditional 
in exclusive salvation in
 the Catholic
Church.it is unethical for 
Vatican News to ignore
 this point.

The prophecy of dialogue

One example of this was the recent
 25th anniversary of the encyclical 
Ut unum sint, in which Pope St John
 Paul II stated that ecumenical 
commitment and dialogue with non-
Catholics are a priority of
 the Church. This anniversary has
been ignored by those who
 today propose a reductive
interpretation of tradition, closed 
to that “dialogue of love,” beyond
 the doctrinal, which was promoted
 by the Polish Pope in obedience to
our Lord's ardent desire for unity.
Lionel: Ut unum sint called
 for faithfulness to the
 Catholic pope.Obedience 
to the pope. It did 
not contradict the dogma 
extra ecclesiam nulla 

The prophecy of forgiveness

Equally overlooked was another important
anniversary: the request for jubilee forgiveness
strongly desired by St John Paul II on 
12 March twenty years ago. The prophetic
power of this Pontiff who asked forgiveness
 for the sins committed by the children of
the Church was overflowing. And when
one speaks of “children” the popes are also
As we know, those who ask forgiveness
for mistakes made put themselves in a risky
 situation of scrutiny. Saint John Paul II 
prophetically chose the path of truth. The
 Church cannot and must not be afraid of
the truth. The then-Cardinal Joseph
Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation
 for the Doctrine of the Faith, underlined
the “novelty of this gesture,” a “public act
of repentance of the Church for the sins of
 the past and today,” a “mea culpa of the
 Pope in the name of the Church,” a truly
“new gesture, but nevertheless
 in profound continuity with the history of
 the Church, and with its self-awareness.”
Lionel: Pope Paul VI chose the 
false interpretation of the 
Council when he had a 
rational option. Cardinal 
Ratzinger  did the same. 
A correction is needed.

The Inquisition and violence: a growing 

consciousness Many dark stories have

 been stirred up about the inquisition,...” 

“With the passage of time,” he said

 ever clearer awareness what she 
needs in order to conform” to
 the Gospel, which rejects the
intolerant and violent methods 
that have disfigured her face in history...
Lionel: By using a false 
premise to interpret 
Vatican Council II Pope
 Paul II created 
division within the Church.
He was in schism 
with the past popes on 
With the false premise
 he brought in a 
new revelation within
 the Church which
 contradicted the past general

  When does tradition stop?

In 1988 the schism of the Lefebvrian
 traditionalists was confirmed. They 
rejected the developments brought
about by Vatican Council II, saying
 that a new Church had been created...
Lionel: Archbishop Marcel 
Lefebvre was correct. 
Vatican Council II interpreted 
with a false
 premise was an artifical
 rupture with Tradition.
Pope John Paul II and 
Cardinal Ratzinger did not
 interpret the Council without
 the false premise.
 Instead they excommunited 
 Archbishop Lefebvre who was 
correct about Vatican Council II.

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