Saturday, June 20, 2020

St.Paul Center of Scott Hahn contradicts Biblical texts with the use of a false premise

The St.Paul Center of Scott Hahn has posted an article which interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise to create a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) . The wrtier Matthew Ramage admits that EENS today is no more like it was over history .He puts the blame on Vatican Council II and the 'Magisterium'. He is not aware of his irrational interpretation of the Council by confusing what is invisible as being visible.
He admits that there is a development of doctrine and quotes Pope Benedict on this subject. He does not know that there could only be a development of doctrine because the false premise is used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, the Catechisms and the Creeds.
He does not refer to Pope Benedict's 'hermeneutic of continuity' with Tradition, since there is no continuity.He acknowledges this.
He does not refer to Pope Benedict's 'hermeneutic of rupture' created by the false premise used by Pope Benedict to interpret Vatican Council II.
Instead he refers to a 'hermeneutic of reform'. With the use of the false premise doctrine on salvation has been changed and he interprets it as a reform.
He begins with a false premise and then there are liberal and broad conclusions.
Of course he would be contradicting Jesus in John 3:5, Mark 16:16, Matthew 7:13. He would be projecting exceptions to these Biblical texts based upon the false premise and inference.Lionel Andrades

St. Paul Center

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and the Substance of Catholic Doctrine: Towards a Realization of Benedict XVI’s “Hermeneutic of Reform”

Nova et Vetera, Winter 2016 (Vol. 14, No. 1)

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