Friday, June 5, 2020

When Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre said that Rome must come back to the Faith he did not know that he was interpreting Vatican Council II with the New Theology and that without the New Theology Rome would have to come back to the Faith.

A Bishop Speaks: Writings and Addresses (1963-1976)
When Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre said that Rome must come back to the Faith he did not know that he was interpreting Vatican Council II with the New Theology and that without the New Theology Rome would have to come back to the Faith.All he had to do was to avoid the false premise, which was the basis of the New Theology.
It was simple.
So why do the Lefbvrists not make this simple announcement ?
Why ? Since if they affirm Vatican Council II without the New Theology they are back to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They will be opposed by the Left.
So they keep quiet on this issue and continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and then criticize the Council, without mentioning that the Council II can be interpreted without the false premise and the conclusion would be traditional.-Lionel Andrades

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