Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Adnane Mokrani was taught an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II at PISAI and the Angelicum

 Adnane Mokrani, teologo islamico

Adnane Mokrani, the first Islamic theologian to teach in a pontifical university - the Gregorian, chair of Islamic Studies obtained his doctorate at the Pontificial Institute of Arabic and Islamic studies (PISAI).But there was an error in his education. Vatican Council II was interpreted with a false premise. This was done to create an artificial  rupture with the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.
 Mokrani also studied at the Angelicum, with a scholarship.There again he was taught an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
At PISAI they continue to present a false nterpretation of Islamism by using an irrational premise and inference to interpret the Council.Then they present this new version on the Islamic religion, as being Catholic teaching. So for Mokrani these new doctrines are Catholic teachings. 
Mokrani interprets Catholic traditional teachings with the false version of Vatican Council II, the Catechisms and Creeds and so rejects  exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.He has written a book recently on the Death and Resurection of Jesus from an Islamic perspective.He was interviewed recently by the  daily Avvenire.1
It may be mentioned that The Profession of Faith made at PISAI by  Rev. Fr. Diego Sarrio Cucarella (President),Rev. Fr. Jason Welle OFM(Director of Studies ) and Rev. Fr. Francesco Baronchelli (Secretary)  is false.Since they abjure traditional and magisterial teachings and documents, with the use of a false premise, inference and conclusion.It is similar to the archbishops and cardinal at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who follow the error. 2
PISAI does not affirm the Catholic Faith.They are afraid. Simple statements cannot be made.
They do not teach the Catholic Faith and have compromised with the Left for survival.
At the Catholic university in Belgium it is reported there are  courses for Imams based on the false interpretation of Vatican Council II.
At the Catholic and secular, universities in Italy, Muslim professors have to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise, inference and conclusion.
Schisms and heresy are mortal sins of faith for Catholics.Yet the teaching staff at PISAI interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents, as a rupture with the popes and Church Councils over the centuries.They choose this rupture. 
If they did not use the irrational premise, inference and conclusion they would have to say that Adnane Mokrani Professor at the Gregorian University on Islamic Studies and  Youssef Sbai at the University of Padua, are outside the Catholic Church.
Similarly for Dr.Mobeen Shahid, a Catholic Director of an Islamic academic center for Dialogue in Rome,who now teaches Philosophy at the Urbaniana Pontifical University Rome does not speak and write about the truth of the faith.He interprets magisterial documents with the false premise, inference and conclusion to create the expected  rupture with the traditional Catholic concept of other religions.At the Urbaniana University they interpret Vatican Council II with the politically correct error.
According to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) all need faith and baptism for salvation. This would include Mokrani and other Muslims.There are no exceptions to AG 7 mentioned in Vatican Council II. Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical and theoretical cases only.We cannot meet or see any one saved outside the Church.
So Vatican Council II affirms the Athanasius Creed which states all need Catholic faith for salvation.
The Council is also in harmony with the Catechism of the Catholic Church( 24 Q, 27 Q) on the need for non Catholics to convert into the Church to avoid Hell. 
The Council is also in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX on ecumenism. Since Unitatis Redintigratio 3 ( Decree on Ecumenism), Vatican Council II refers to a hypothetical case. In real life we cannot know of a Christian saved in his religion outside the Catholic Church. So there is no rupture in Vatican Council II with the old ecumenism of return.
According to Vatican Council II most people are oriented to Hell since they die without faith and baptism, necessary for salvation(AG 7).
This was not taught to Adnane Mokrani at PISAI or the Angelicum.-Lionel Andrades


FEBRUARY 27, 2020

The Profession of Faith made by Rev. Fr. Diego Sarrio Cucarella (President),Rev. Fr. Jason Welle OFM(Director of Studies ) and Rev. Fr. Francesco Baronchelli (Secretary) of PISAI is false.Since they abjure traditional and magisterial teachings and documents, with the use of a false premise, inference and conclusion.It is similar to the archbishops and cardinal at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who follow the error.

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