Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Bishop Gino Reali's Diocese of Porta Santa Rufina, Rome has a School for Catechists .They interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise

The diocese of Porta Santa Rufina, Rome where the Bishop is Gino Reali has a  School for Catechists named after Blessed Maddalena Morano (Scuola per Catechisti “Beata Maddalena Morano”).One of the subjects in a three year course is the Mystery of the Church ( ecclesiology).The instructors interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with a false premise.In this calculated way they create an artificial rupture with exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
In this diocese which boasts saints and martyrs who did not interpret Magisterial documents with a false premise, exists the seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
Pope Francis and Bishop Reali have announced a Plenary Indulgence (2019-2020) this year for the Ninth Centenary for the unification of the dioceses of Porta and Santa Rufina (1119-1120).Pope Francis has approved "Ex Duobus Una", with the usual conditions for an indulgence.This includes the need for Confession and avoiding mortal and venial sins, receiving the Eucharist and pilgrimages to approved sacred sites in this diocese
However with Vatican Council II, interpreted with a common irrationality, the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed is changed. The Athanasius Creed is rejected and made obsolete. The dogma EENS( Council of Florence 1441, Cantate Domino) has exceptions and the Catechism of Pope Pius X(24Q, 27Q) is rejected. This is a mortal sin of faith.
Also Vatican Council II ( Lionel Andrades) which is rational and in harmony with Tradition in the 11th and 12th century, is not affirmed by Bishop Gino Reali, the clergy, religious and lay faithful, in the diocese of Porto-Sant Rufina.

The Director of  the School for Catechists is  Sr. Maria Luisa Mazzarello nad her assistatnt is Sr Albertine Ilunga.
-Lionel Andrades

Segretari del corso
Sig.  Vincenzo Iannotta  Tel. 06
Sig. Rocco FREDA Tel.
Email Segreteria Scuola: scuolacatechisti.morano@gmail.com

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