Monday, July 27, 2020

Institute for Ecumenical Studies University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome teaches a development of doctrine based upon an irrational premise, false inference and non traditional conclusion : faculty agree with me

-Lionel Andrades

JULY 16, 2020

Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Wikipedia

When Cardinal John Henry Newman mentioned the development of doctrine it was definitely not with a false premise

 JULY 16, 2020

Repost : With an irrational inference dogmas and doctrines are being thrown out at the Angelicum University

JULY 26, 2020

Kwasniewski's new book with Lefebvrist theology : rupture with Traditional Latin Mass Ecclesiology of the 16th century

JULY 16, 2020

TIME Magazine Cover: Cardinal Cushing - Aug. 21, 1964 - Religion ...

Cardinal Richard Cushing accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with the false premise and then gave us Nostra Aetate.However even with his error, Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald could have chosen to interpret Vatican Council II affirming Ad Gentes 7-all need faith and baptism for salvation, with invisible ignorance(LG 16, LG 14) not being practical exceptions.

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