Sunday, July 26, 2020

Kwasniewski's new book with Lefebvrist theology : rupture with Traditional Latin Mass Ecclesiology of the 16th century

-Lionel Andrades

 JULY 14, 2020

The St.Benedict Centers could affirm EENS and Vatican Council II without the Lefebvrist theology

 JULY 18, 2020

Roberto dei Mattei and Michael Sean Winters use the same false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

Vigano, Schneider and Mattei want all Catholics to use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II

JULY 16, 2020

Sacramenti e Attività – Parrocchia Trinità dei Pellegrini
Lefebvrists in crisis mode

JULY 14, 2020

MHFM uses the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II
 JULY 8, 2020
Immagine correlata
To understand what I write ask yourself... 
JUNE 11, 2014
The 'missing link' discovered : what makes Vatican Council II traditional or heretical
JULY 16, 2020
When Cardinal John Henry Newman mentioned the development of doctrine it was definitely not with a false premise 
JULY 16, 2020
TIME Magazine Cover: Cardinal Cushing - Aug. 21, 1964 - Religion ...
Cardinal Richard Cushing accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with the false premise and then gave us Nostra Aetate.However even with his error, Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald could have chosen to interpret Vatican Council II affirming Ad Gentes 7-all need faith and baptism for salvation, with invisible ignorance(LG 16, LG 14) not being practical exceptions.
JULY 15, 2020
On 17 June 2020, the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago honored Cardinal Michael L. Fitzgerald with its annual Blessed Are the Peacemakers award.
Without the irrationality on Vatican Council II Cardinal Michael L. Fitzgerald would not be able to hold his liberalism on other religions
JULY 15, 2020
Il 30 giugno 2020 il PISAI e la Pontificia Università Gregoriana hanno rinnovato la convenzione di collaborazione per 5 anni accademiciPISAI and Gregorian University agree to interpret Magisterial documents with the false premise instead of without it for the next five years
 JULY 15, 2020
Adnane Mokrani, teologo islamico
Adnane Mokrani was taught an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II at PISAI and the Angelicum
 JULY 15, 2020
Scott Hahn's New Evangelisation is based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise
JULY 13, 2020
The CDF must inform the pontifical universities , where the F.I seminarians are enrolled, and the Congregation for Catholic Education, to avoid the common error on Vatican Council II.

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