Saturday, July 4, 2020

Protecting the false premise : Catholic News Agency, Vigano, Schneider, Negri, Mattei and Weston, they do not want to mention it

Every one has been interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and so the  Council supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church for them.A report by Catholic News Agency calling upon  the Vatican to respond to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's statement on Vatican Council II does not mention this point i.e with a false premise the hermeutic of rupture is created.
So how should the Vatican respond to Archbishop  Vigano since he does not know , un like me, that the premise creates the hermeneutic of rupture ' with Tradition .Or if he does not know, he wants to keep silent and support the eror of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and the liberals and Masons need the error: the false premise, to create a break with Tradition. They want a New World  Religion or they want to support the forces working for the New World Religion with a false image of Christ.
The CNA supports the USCCB bishops in the USA who will eliminate EENS with the use of the false premise.
Archbishop Vigano and  Bishop Athanasius Schneider statements on Vatican Council II are issued in coordination;, in consultancy with other Lefebvrists.
 Lefebvrism is also an ideology, a false ideology.
The liberals and Left use the false premise to hide the truth in false traditionalism.
But both groups create an EENS with exceptions. Without the false premise there are no exceptions.
Both groups acknowledge a doctrinal development.But this is not possible without the false premise.
The concept of progressivism and traditionalism, the political left and right, comes doctrinally, within the Church, only with the false premise. Without the false premise both camps would have to interpret EENS and the Syllabus of Errors without exceptions.
It's only with the false premise that there can be a pre and post Vatican Council II Catholic Church. There emerges a New Thelogy, based upon the false premise which comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston. The liberals placed the Letter in the Denzinger and referenced it in Vatican Council II, with the error i.e the false premise that creates a non traditional conclusion.
You mean , the CNA and the cardinals and bisbhops do not know all this ? Or, is it like Vigano, Schneider, Negri, Mattei and Weston, they do not want to mention it.
Both groups have something to hide.
John Henry Weston, the Editor of Life Sites News does not want to affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise since then he would have to affirm Feeneyite EENS and would be labelled Anti Semitic etc. So he protects his interests and lets Catholics remain in ignorance.-Lionel Andrades

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