Sunday, July 19, 2020

Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara's books on Vatican Council II were written with a false premise and so also the books by the late Fr.Nicholas Gruner. This information is being kept a secret by Dr. Taylor Marshall who continues to recommend these books.

Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara's books on Vatican Council II were written with a false premise and so also the books by the late Fr.Nicholas Gruner. This information is being kept a secret by Dr. Taylor Marshall who continues to recommend these books.
Marshall's book Infiltration, with the same error on Vatican Council II, are still being sold.
He signed over a hundred books the other day with this error.
Similarly there are no reports on this common error in Roberto dei Matte's media, RadioliberaRome, Radici Cristiane and Correspondenza Romano.
Lefebvrist Taylor Marshall continues to say that the Church has been infiltrated. So what ? This should not prevent him from interpreting Vatican Council II without the false premise.Vigano, Schneider, Matteo and Lawler could do the same.
He could say that Lumen Gentium 8 refers to hypothetical cases and so LG 8 does not contradict the Athanasius Creed.This Creed says all need the Catholic faith for salvation.The Council Fathers made a mistake. However we can still interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. 
But he does not do this.
He ignores it completely. Since he is concerned about a reaction from the Left.He would be accused of supporting Fr. Leonard Feeney and the Jesuits in the 16th century.

Taylor's new video is more propaganda with a false premise and inference.This is not being 'centred on the truth', a phrase he uses in this video.

-Lionel Andrades

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