Thursday, July 16, 2020

When Cardinal John Henry Newman mentioned the development of doctrine it was definitely not with a false premise

When Cardinal John Henry Newman mentioned the development of doctrine he was referring to a development of a doctrine before it was defined. After a doctrine becomes a defined dogma it cannot be developed. It definitely cannot be developed by using a false premise.
There cannot be a New Ecumenism by citing Cardinal Newman and Vatican Council II, since UR 3 ( Decree on Ecumenism) does not contradict the old ecumenism of return and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
There cannot be an exception to outside the Church there is no salvation, since LG 8, LG 14 and LG 16  are not exceptions to the old ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald needs to express this reality at talks at PISAI and the Lay Centre of Donna Orsutu in Rome, when he mentions the Islamic religion. There is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict St.John Bosco and the Salesian and Redemptorist view, over the centuries, on the religion of Mohammad.-Lionel Andrades

ULY 16, 2020

TIME Magazine Cover: Cardinal Cushing - Aug. 21, 1964 - Religion ...

Cardinal Richard Cushing accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 with the false premise and then gave us Nostra Aetate.However even with his error, Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald could have chosen to interpret Vatican Council II affirming Ad Gentes 7-all need faith and baptism for salvation, with invisible ignorance(LG 16, LG 14) not being practical exceptions.

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