Monday, August 31, 2020

All these years Edward Pentin would not write on this subject of exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church since if he chose to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, he would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS. He is following the policy of the National Catholic Register and EWTN which interprets Vatican Council II with the irrationality to create a break with Tradition. All their apologists do the same.

 All these years Edward Pentin would not write on this subject of exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church since if he chose to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, he would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS. He is following the policy of the National Catholic Register and EWTN which interprets Vatican Council II with the irrationality to create a break with Tradition. All their apologists do the same.  -Lionel Andrades

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