Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Father Rosario Sammarco F.I and Fr. Settimo Mannelli F.I know there are no physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in 2020


Father Rosario Sammarco F.I , Rector, Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary, Boccea, Rome knows there are no physically visible non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church, without faith and the baptism of water(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II ). This is something obvious for also the other priests and the seminarians in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth,Boccea.

It would be the same for Father Settimo Mannelli F.I and Father Paulo Siano F.I,the former Rector and Vice Rector of this seminary here.This was before Pope Francis closed it down.

So there would be no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Since hypothetical and speculative cases cannot be objective examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church in 2020.There are no known exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the Athanasius Creed.

Both rectors of the Franciscans of the Immaculate would have to be traditional when they cannot use the false premise e.g invisible cases of LG 8,LG 16 are visible examples of salvation outside the Church.

Similarly for Cardinal Braz de Avez, without this false premise there would be no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the past official teaching on the Church having exclusive salvation.It is something obvious. It is common knowledge.Also Bishop Gino Reali, Fr. Sabino Ardito sdb and Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj would reach the same conclusion.This would also be the view of Fr. John Francesco, the American Filipino, former Superior of the Franciscans of the Immaculate at Casalotti, Boccea and Rector of the Francisans of the Immaculate seminary would have the same view.

It may be mentioned that the  seminarians are now moving to their community home in Tiburtina, Roma, leaving the seminary premises on August 31.-Lionel Andrades

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