Tuesday, August 11, 2020

When Fr. Settimo Manelli and Fr. Paulo Siano F.I were the Rector and Vice Rector of the Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary at Boccea, Rome they were using the false premise to interpret the Council. Pope Francis closed down the seminary. Fr. Fidenzio Volpi called them 'crypto Lefebvrists'. He did not know about the false premise.He too was using it.

The Eponymous Flower: Commissar Volpi Threatens Bishops ...

When Fr. Settimo Manelli F.I and 

Fr. Paulo Siano F.I were the Rector and Vice Rector of the Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary at Boccea, Rome they were using the false premise to interpret the Council. Pope Francis closed down the seminary.

Fr. Fidenzio Volpi called them 'crypto Lefebvrists'. He did not know about the false premise.He too was using it. -Lionel Andrades

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