Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Andrea Tornelli's books are written with the false premise.He uses the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.

 Marcovalerio - Andrea Tornielli - Paolo Vi. Il Papa Della Modernità - ePRICE Benedetto XVI. La prima biografia aggiornata del nuovo Papa. - Andrea  Tornielli - Libri

If you consider Lumen Gentium 16 objective and I consider it subjective and hypothetical then are interpretation of Vatican Council II  would be different. For you the visible cases of salvation outside the Church/(LG 16) would contradict EENS and for me invisible cases(LG 16) would not be examples of known salvation outside the Catholic Church.Invisible people cannot be known.

Our conclusion would be different even though we are reading the same Vatican Council II.

Andrea Tornielli shares upcoming goals for Vatican's Dicastery for  Communication - YouTube

So the interpretation of Vatican Council II by Andrea Tornelli and myself are different. 

He is irrational and non traditional.

Il giornalista Andrea Tornielli presenta il suo libro-intervista con papa  Francesco a Lugo -

He creates a traditionalist/ progressivist division.

There is  a division with the past popes on EENS.

Giovanni XXIII. Vita di un Padre Santo - Andrea Tornielli - Libro -  Mondadori Store

There is a heretical interpretation of the Creeds and Catechisms with a false premise.There is 'a development of doctrine' with the use of an artificial false premise.-Lionel Andrades

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