Monday, August 3, 2020

John Lamont uses the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and so create a rupture with Tradition : so he is allowed to teach

-Lionel Andrades

From the SSPX website

Cardinal Koch on the SSPX
A fair assessment?
2-20-2013 |  AP BLOG
Cardinal Kurt Koch
We present here some extracts of a lengthy article by professor of theology, Dr. John Lamont, the entirety of which will be published on the new Angelus Press blog [to be launched shortly].

Dr. John Lamont holds a degree in philosophy from Oxford University (England) and in theology from Ottawa University (Canada). He is an honorary fellow in the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology at the Australian Catholic University. Dr. Lamont has taught at the University of Notre Dame Australia and the Catholic Institute of Sydney, where he had the canonical mandate to teach theology from the Sydney Archdiocese.

His article takes Cardinal Koch to task on the dilemma at hand: if Vatican II is really in line with Tradition, why should the SSPX which champions that Tradition not be recognized canonically? 
Lionel : Since Vatican Council II without the false premise is in line with Tradition . The SSPX, Cardinal Koch and John Lamont interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.

We make much of Dr. Lamont's forceful argumentation our own.

Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, recently made the following statements about the theological positions of the SSPX:
It is only the group of Lefebvrists that doesn't accept... ecumenical dialogue, relations with the Jews and religious liberty... One must ask how it can present itself as Catholic...
Lionel: They accept all this but according to Tradition.  
These are central points of the teaching of the Holy Father, and if [there is] a group that does not accept a council and does not accept a teaching, one must ask how they see each other as Catholic... This is the fundamental problem...
Lionel: I accept religious liberty, ecumenism, dialogue with the Jews, Muslims and other non Christians but I interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise and so there is no rupture with Tradition i.e the strict interpretation of EENS with no known exceptions. the Athansius Creed which says all need to be Catholic for salvation, Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which says all need faith and baptism for salvation, the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of Pope Pius X( 24 Q, 27Q) etc. How can Cardinal Koch call himself a Catholic when he rejects all the above in public ?
Cardinal Koch has also made a broader criticism of traditionalists as a whole:
The progressives profess a hermeneutics of discontinuity and break. The traditionalists profess a hermeneutics of pure continuity: only that which is already noticeable in the Tradition can be Catholic doctrine, therefore, practically, there cannot be a renewal.
These criticisms of traditionalists are often made. Cardinal Koch's high curial post, and the fact that he was one of the members of the Vatican committee that ruled that the Society's proposed doctrinal preamble was unacceptable, makes it desirable to offer a response to them. As a traditionalist and a theologian myself, although not one affiliated with the SSPX, I will attempt to do so.
Lionel. The SSPX General Chapter Statement (2012) was unacceptable since it affirmed Feeneyite EENS. Vatican Council II without the false premise is in harmony with Feeneyite EENS. Cardinal Koch interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise and so there is a rupture with Feeneyite EENS. This was the objective error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.

There is a basis... for punishing those who deny authentic magisterial teachings that are not infallibly defined. The crucial question, therefore, is whether or not the positions of the SSPX can be judged to be punishable according to that canon. A clear and accurate evaluation of the Society's positions shows that this is not the case...
Since neither the SSPX's religious positions nor its claims about the Second Vatican Council are objectionable or subject to canonical penalty, it is unjust to deny canonical regularization to the Society on the basis of them...
Lionel: The SSPX needs to affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise. Then there would be no rupture with Tradition. They would also have to reject Cardinal Koch's interpretation of Vatican Council II with the false premise.-Lionel Andrades

Since Cardinal Koch has a responsibility for promoting Christian unity, it is especially disappointing that he should have opposed the canonical regularization of the SSPX on plainly inadequate grounds...

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