Monday, August 17, 2020

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have sprung a surprise when they interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.They emerge traditional without offering the Latin Mass.

Image result for Photo Cardinal Braz de aviz

 The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have sprung a surprise when they interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.They emerge traditional without offering the Latin Mass.They offer Mass in Italian in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors, EENS and rest of Tradition.So it is the new Mass with the old ecclesiology.This is the group which was not suppposed to 'crypto Lefebvrist' according to the media.

Cardinal Braz de Avez, Fr. Sabino Ardito sdb, Commissioner and Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj canonist, do not deny all this.

Sitoweb Frati Francescani dell'Immacolata – Ave Maria!

They affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church when they choose to affirm Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents without the false premise.

When they offer Vatican Council II without confusing what is invisible as being visible they have to become traditional.

They are avoiding the mistake originally made by some of the Council Fathers at Vatican Council II(1965). The mistake was repeated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and then Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I and community.

Monsignor Reali, il vescovo in aeroporto - Il Faro Online

Bishop Gino Reali, the bishop of the diocese in which the F.I seminary in Boccea is located has no comment or criticism. His Vicar General and theologians are silent.It is the same with the Administration of his Diocesan School of Theology and School for Catechesis.-Lionel Andrades

AUGUST 16, 2020

Image result for Father Rosario Sammarco F.I the Superior a the seminary Photos

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate at the Basilica of St. Mary Majors,Rome, the seminary at Boccea, Rome and the community house at Tiburtina, Rome are traditional.They are traditional on EENS,the Syllabus, Athanasius Creed etc when they choose to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.They do not confuse invisible-for-us Lumen Gentium 16 as being visible.

AUGUST 16, 2020

    Image result for photos Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate seminary casalotti boccea Rome

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who offer Holy Mass in Italian at the seminary in Boccea, Rome( now transferred to Tiburtina, Rome ) can choose to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise. Then they would automatically be endorsing Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus, etc ). They do not have to offer/attend the Latin Mass to affirm Tradition.This was not known to Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I, Fr Serafino Lanzetta, Fr. Paolo Siano F.I, Fr. Settimo Manelli F.I, Mons, Brunero Gherardini and Roberto dei Mattei.

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