Friday, August 7, 2020

The Legion of Christ has placed Fr. Hans Kung's books in the library of the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum(UPRA), Rome.The whole set was there. Like Kung the faculty interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise.This creates schism with the popes before Pius XII on the dogma EENS and the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra. If they did not use the false premise there would be no rupture with Tradition. Since there would be no exceptions to EENS mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II.

 The Legion of Christ has placed Fr. Hans Kung's books in the library of the University Pontifical Regina Apostolorum(UPRA), Rome.The whole set was there.

Like Kung the faculty interpret Vatican Council II with a false  premise.This creates schism with the popes before Pius XII on the dogma EENS and the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra. If they did not use the false premise there would be no rupture with Tradition. Since there would be no exceptions to EENS mentioned in the text of Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

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