Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Peter Kwasniewski have posted reports on Vatican Council II in which they have not mentioned the false premise.


Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Peter Kwasniewski have posted reports on Vatican Council II in which they have not mentioned the false premise. 

In their recent reports they have used the false premise to interpret the Council as did the Council Fathers, Cushning, Rahner and Ratzinger. The difference is that the former accept the conclusion along with the liberals and the latter reject it along with the Lefebvrists. 

With the false premise Vigano and Kwasniewksi reject John 3:5 which says all need the baptism of water.They postulate exceptions when they personally do not know of any.

With the false premise they suggest that there is salvation outside the Church even in pagan religions which follow false gods and violate the First Commandment.

With the false premise used to interpret Vatican Council II they imply that there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Council of Florence 1441).

Even after being informed they will not address this issue and are part of the general apostasy in the Catholic Church, sustained by Leftist laws.-Lionel Andrades

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