Friday, September 18, 2020

Bishop Athanasius Schneider is quiet over the last few weeks. He has decided not to answer questions I have put to him. The Lefebvrists have decided not to talk in public about the false premise.It would expose the error of the popes since Paul VI on Vatican Council II but also that of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Michael Davies, the Hildebrands,Roberto dei Mattei, Fr.Nicholas Gruner, John Vennari and Christopher Ferrara.

 Bishop Athanasius Schneider is quiet over the last few weeks. He has decided not to answer questions I have put to him. The Lefebvrists have decided not to talk in public about the false premise.It would expose the error of the popes since Paul VI on Vatican Council II but also that of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Michael Davies, the Hildebrands,Roberto dei Mattei, Fr.Nicholas Gruner, John Vennari and Christopher Ferrara. -Lionel Andrades

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