Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bishop Bruno Forte, Cardinal Kasper and Bishop Semeraro's books on ecclesiology are still part of the bibliography for the Ecclesiology semesters this year at the pontifical universities in Rome. They all use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II to create a new liberalism, with dual doctrines.

 Bishop Bruno Forte, Cardinal Kasper and Bishop Semeraro's books on ecclesiology are still part of the bibliography for the Ecclesiology semesters this year at the pontifical universities in Rome. They all use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II to create a new liberalism, with dual doctrines.Without the irrational premise there is no rupture with the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the old exclusive ecclesiology of the Church. Forte, Kasper and Semeraro would have to use the false premise when they cite Vatican Council II.

Similarly there is nothing in the whole of Unitatis Redintigratio ( Decree on Ecumenism) in Vatican Council II to contradict the past ecumenism of return. Forte, Kasper and Semeraro would have to re-intepret the Council using the false premise, to create the new ecumenism.

It is the same for Evangelisation and theology in general. -Lionel Andrades

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