Monday, September 28, 2020

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict would be traditionalists, rigid and fundamentalists, but they avoid these labels, when they interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and inference, like Bishop Barron in this video.


In this video Bishop Robert Barron had to pretend that Lumen Gentium 16 referred to a known person, someone visible, saved outside the Catholic Church, without faith and the baptism of water.So he could reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and not be considered a traditionalist.
He had to pretend that a theoretical possibility of being saved outside the Church, ehich exists only in our mind, was a real case of salvation outside the Church.So he was not proclaiming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, like the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA and telling the Protestant that he was going to Hell.
For  him, ' a could be saved ' outside the Church and ' a can be saved' becomes 'is saved' and 'was saved'.
With his calculated confusion he inteprets Gaudium et Specs 22 ( saved with good will) as a rupture with the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology  and so pleases the Left.
He does not tell Cameron Bertuzzi, his Protestant interviewer, that he is going to Hell, outside the Church.
Cameron believes in Jesus he is baptised and perhaps approves of contraception and divorce.
Bishop Barron was careful to present Cameron Bertuzzi with the politically correct interpretation of Vatican Council II.It sees invisible cases as being visible. With this irrationality the hermeneutic of rupture is created with Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of rrors,Athanasius Creed etc).

This is also a common mistake of the Lefebvrists and Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ecclesiastics.

If Archbishops Morandi and Di Noia, Secretaries of the CDF did not use Bishop Barron's approach, they too would be affirming EENS like Brother Andre Marie MICM at the St.Benedict Center and the community Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pope Francis and Pope Benedict would be traditionalists, rigid and fundamentalists, but they avoid these labels now, when they interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and inference, like Bishop Barron in this video. -Lionel Andrades

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