Thursday, September 24, 2020

Canons of Trent, the Syllabus of Errors of Blessed Pius IX, the encyclical Pascendi of St. Pius X, and Humanae Vitae and Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of Paul VI are “outdated” since for Archbishop Carlo Vigano and the Lefebvrists the false premise is the norm

 We have read endless addresses in which the defenders of the Council have defined the Canons of Trent, the Syllabus of Errors of Blessed Pius IX, the encyclical Pascendi of St. Pius X, and Humanae Vitae and Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of Paul VI as “outdated.” -Archbishop Carlo Vigano 1

Lionel: Yes they are outdated since Vatican Council II is interpreted by the Lefebvrists, liberals and popes with a false premise and so there is a non traditional conclusion which contradicts exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

The Lefebvrists have exchanged extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with no exceptions for EENS with exceptions.

They have exchanged hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance (I.I) with non hypothetical and objective BOD and I.I, examples of salvation outside the Church. So the past ecclesiology is obviously outdated and obsolete.

When for Cardinal Ratzinger the Syllabus of Errors and 16th century EENS was no more relevant it was because of 'the development in Vatican Council II', in other words, LG 16 etc were visible examples of salvation outside the Church and exceptions to the old theology. He meant it. He was sincere.It made sense for him. -Lionel Andrades


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