Sunday, September 27, 2020

Our Lady changed my heart too at Medugorje

The young lady in the video Mariela says that Our Lady changed her heart at Medugorje. It struck a note. The same thing happened to me.
It was when I was at home that I realized what had happened.
I was a teacher of oriental meditation, heavy into New Age in a big way.I would organise inter faith meetings.I would like to quote Vatican Council II with the false premise.
I left all that.
 It just fell off. It was there before me but I felt an aversion for it.I knew something big had happened and the change was  permanent.It was consistent.
Our Lady had changed my heart at Medugorje.There was something special about that place. This was also the experience of non Catholics.
In these videos on Medugorge which I have been posting on this blog and watching,I notice that the same thing happened to countless pilgrims at Medugorje.  
When I went home I tried to convince my relatives to visit Medugorje. I would say that it is a special place but they would say that Our Lady was everywhere and they did not have to go to Medugorje. 
But this is not true.
 Our Lady is at Medugorje in a special way. 
There is something supernatural about the place. As someone said, it was a little piece of Heaven brought to the earth. It was a gift of God.
It still is there - a  gift from God for those who visit the site.
Go there even if you do not meet or see the visionaries. Go to the church.Stay there for a week at Medugorje and participate in the prayers at the church of St. James.Something will happen.
I did not have a problem with drugs. But I saw drug addicts cured. 
I saw people exposed to the occult who were healed.
Another theme I see in these videos is pilgrims saying they were called (una chiamata).
This too was my experience.A young lady said that Our Lady caught her by the scruf of her collar and dumped her at Medugorje. This was a description of my experience.Our Lady got me there in spite of so many obstacles.She wanted me there. 
It was the first time for me in Europe.
Then yesterday  Marija in her conversation with Radio Maria remarked-that she thought the late
Fr. Slavko Barbaric OFM, was a saint. I thought the same too. This is something I cannot describe completely. But I know he was always available for me. He would fight to have me accomadated in a cottage or a prayer meeting which was packed. 
I was there for four weeks at the Domus Pacis and every week a new group of pilgrims would come there for the fasting program. Fr. Slavo would be regular early in the morning at about 6 a.m to lead the pilgrims up Mount Krizevac for the Stations of the Cross.How did he have all that energy ? From where did he get that drive? I suspected that Our Lady was appearing to him in a special way.
Our Lady told the visionaries that he was in Heaven.
I realized that the same feelings on Fr. Slavko were also drawn by many other pilgrims including a seminarian at the Beda Pontifical College, Rome. He too felt the same way about Fr. Slavko. He framed a large picture of this priest in his seminary room and once called me to view it.
He was a liberal, like my former self, while I had changed.I could be tolerant with the liberals and not judge and condemn them since I knew from where they were coming.
Not all the liberals who go to Medugorje are changed. But something special happened to me there.
Our Lady gave me a new heart and she taught me also how to pray from the heart. When I said a Hail Mary and was not in the present moment , with Jesus and Her, I would go back and pray that bead again.It was someting spontaneous.I knew something was not correct. I had become so sensitive.
I hope you have a chance to visit Medugorje. Don't say Our Lady is every where.
And when you are there, if your are there, because of this report, say an Ave Maria, for me.
-Lionel Andrades

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