Monday, September 21, 2020

Pope Francis does not want to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise : Archbishop Vigano was ambiguous when he did not refer to the false premise

Analysis: As Archbishop Viganò denounces Vatican II, the Vatican is not speaking



In an interview last month, Viganò offered a set of criticisms against the Second Vatican Council that are not especially original, but are striking because they come, apparently, from the pen of a former papal representative to the U.S.

Viganò claimed that at the Second Vatican Council — an ecumenical council of the Church — “hostile forces” caused “the abdication of the Catholic Church” through a “sensational deception.”

Lionel : Pope Paul VI chose to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise instead of without it. Otherwise Vatican Council II would be in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors and the Athansius Creed. Now there is a rupture with Tradition.


“The errors of the post-conciliar period were contained in nuce in the Conciliar Acts,” the archbishop added, accusing the council, and not just its aftermath, of overt error.

Lionel: Yes and the false narrative was preserved by the following popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. May be many of them were ignorant. They were not aware of the error. It was the same for  Archbishop Carlo Vigano.


His interview, and his other recent comments on Vatican II, made arguments familiar to anyone who has spent time among adherents of the Society of St. Pius X or other traditionalist groups outside the full communion of the Church:

Lionel: The Society of St.Pius X also inteprets Vatican Council II with the false premise as did the popes and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. They did not know about the rational alternative which would have a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition. 


 That the council’s decrees on religious liberty and interreligious dialogue reject Catholic doctrine. That as a “pastoral council” Vatican II does not bind Catholics. That the council has led to “the infiltration of the enemy into the heart of the Church.”

Lionel : With the false premise the Council used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II there is a new version of the Creeds, Catechisms and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Before these documents were interpreted without alleged exceptions. Now they all have to be interpreted with exceptions. This is approved politically by the Left and the vatican. Magisterial documents are Cushingite and not Feeneyite.

This is official heresy and schism.


Viganò has suggested that the Second Vatican Council catalyzed a massive, but unseen, schism in the Church, ushering in a false Church alongside the true Church.

Lionel : True. He probably read my blog.Since he did not know about this 10 or 15 years back. 


Those arguments have been addressed and critiqued repeatedly by theologians and historians, including Benedict XVI, and in the mind of the Church’s hierarchy, have been sufficiently refuted. Objections to the council’s authority have long been rejected by the Church’s authorities.

Lionel: The Church authorities and the Lefebvrists have not even once chosen to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.Not a single time. 


To be sure, few theologians or bishops would argue that Vatican II’s documents are above reproach, in terms of their style, their language, or their presentation of the faith.

Lionel: This is not the issue.

The issue is : a false premise is used to change doctrine and theology. This is now considered a development of doctrine.

This has caused division in the Church. 

Even the two popes use the false premise and come across as being liberals. If they did not use the false premise they would be considered traditional.


 And scholars continue to disagree about how to interpret some key texts of the council. But accepting the legitimacy and authority of the Second Vatican Council is a necessary component of maintaining communion with the Church herself.

Lionel : Vatican Council II can be interpreted with a false premise of without it. It can be Feeneyite or Cushingite.

If the Vatican interprets Vatican Council II with the irrationality, it is intentionally, causing division in the Church. It is promoting official heresy and schism and it expects Catholics all over the world to follow it because of the Vatican's political obligations to the Left.


Viganò’s recent interviews have largely been understood as a call to reject the entirety of the Second Vatican Council. A pope, he says, must “rejoin the thread of Tradition there where it was cut off,” and the Church must “recognize the error and deception into which we have fallen.” 

Lionel: It could be a call for the popes to re-interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise for a continuity and not break with Tradition. 


It might be argued that in the most charitable interpretation possible, Viganò’s claims should be understood as studiously ambiguous— attempting to avoid a direct repudiation of Catholic doctrine while doing precisely that, just in a more circumspect manner.

Lionel: It was ambiguous in the sense that he did not precisely refer to the false premise used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and how this error which causes the hermeneutic of rupture could be avoided in a simple way.


 Catholics, including many of Viganò's supporters have criticized the work of Fr. James Martin, SJ, with accusations of the same kind of studied ambiguity, albeit on a different subject, and criticized the Holy See for failing to respond. 

But given that Viganò has decried the “perverse nature” of the Second Vatican Council, the plain meaning of his argument seems clear, and it seems nearly impossible to lend his claims even the designation of “studied ambiguity.” Nevertheless, whether his writing meets the formal criteria of either heresy or schism is subject only to the judgment of the Holy See.

The Vatican, however, has not spoken.

Lionel: The Vatican needs to address the issue of the false premise used by the popes since Paul VI and the present Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to interpret Magisterial documents to create a rupture with Sacred Tradition.

The issue is also related to the secular and ecclesiastical courts where Catholics are interpreting Vatican Council II with this objective and factual error.


One possible reason for the silence is that Church leaders, including Pope Francis, might simply not grasp how much influence Viganò has. The archbishop’s reach is impossible to judge completely, but his letters and interviews are the regular fodder for a set of websites and YouTube channels with very large audiences, and after the archbishop was endorsed by President Trump last month, he has become a figure of awe among the web of QAnon conspiracy theorists.

Lionel : Pope Francis does not want to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.-Lionel Andrades

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