Thursday, September 24, 2020

The theology af the Great Books schools is Cushingite.They have to use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and so create an artificial rupture with Feeneyite EENS to get an accreditation from the USCCB and the Vatican.

 I have studied and taught the documents of the Council, some of them numerous times. I know them very well. Since I am a “Great Books” devotee and have always taught for Great Books schools, my theology courses would typically begin with Scripture and the Fathers, then go into the scholastics (especially St. Thomas) and finish up with magisterial texts: papal encyclicals and conciliar documents.

I often felt a sinking of the heart when the course reached a Vatican II document, such as Lumen GentiumSacrosanctum ConciliumDignitatis HumanaeUnitatis RedintegratioNostra Aetate, or Gaudium et Spes. -Peter Kwasniewski

Lionel :  The theology af the Great Books schools is Cushingite.They have to use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and so create an artificial rupture with Feeneyite EENS to get an accreditation from the USCCB and the Vatican.

Kwasniewski could have interpreted Vatican Council II documents without the false premise and then affirm 16th century EENS like the missionaries of that time.

Now there is a rupture with St. Thomas Aquinas and the Church Fathers. This can still be avoided.-Lionel Andrades


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Ratzinger, Kasper, Kung and Bergoglio, and Michael Davies and Romano Amerio refuse to interpret the Council without the false premise, a choice which Pope Paul VI had before him

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

The Lefebvrists are in a doctrinal mess and they call themselves traditionalists.

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Vigano and Kwasniewski and the Lefebvrists today repeat the mistake of Pope Paul VI

SEPTEMBER 23, 2020

Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Peter Kwasniewski have posted reports on Vatican Council II in which they have not mentioned the false premise

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