Saturday, September 12, 2020

Until she does not have this insight the German bishops and cardinals and the present two popes will continue with the error.

Dr. Maike Hickson, Author at

  Only the Second Vatican Council had “opened new perspectives” (p. 64f). -Cardinal Marx.

Lionel: He is referring to the Council interpreted with a false premise to create a rupture with Tradition. Vatican Council II is also interpreted in the same irrational way by the Lefebvrists and liberals. 

Maike Hickson on Life Site News interprets Vatican Council II with the same irrationality and so is not aware of the choice available.

She could interpret the Council without the false premise and then notice that all the German bishops and cardinals, like Pope Benedict use a false premise to create a development of doctrine or call it the spirit of Vatican Council II.

Until she does not have this insight the German bishops and cardinals and the present two popes will continue with the error.-Lionel Andrades

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