Monday, September 21, 2020

Write a book on Vatican Council II and e-mail me your transcript

Write a book on Vatican Council II. Interpret hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as just being hypothetical. So they are not objective exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS),an ecumenism of return and the Athanasius Creed.

Let Ecumenism be a chapter of your book. Show how in the whole of Unitatis Redintigratio, there is nothing to contradict the traditional ecumenism of return.

Let there be a chapter on Evangelisation and Mission. Show how traditional mission is not contradicted by Vatican Council II.Since there is no known salvation outside the Church.There are no exceptions to EENS.So all need to enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism to avoid Hell and not only those who know about Jesus and the Church.

Let there be a chapter on the Liturgy. We now know that it is the use of the false premise which determines if a Catholic is conservative or liberal.It is not the the Rite at Mass.

Ecclesiology could be a chapter.Without the false premise the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church before and after Vatican Council II is the same.It is exclusivist.

Use the material from this blog.Permission is granted.E-mail a copy to me before you publish your book.I shall check it free of charge.(E-mail: ).

I have done much of the work for you. Use it. Write a new book on Vatican Council II.

Then books on the Council will no more be reviewed by the National Catholic Reporter, Commonweal and the Tablet.They will realize that the 'spirit of Vatican Council II' is traditional.

I am located in Rome if you would like to come here and visit me,I will be ready to answer your questions.

I do not ask for donations and I do not have a bank account. I do not earn any money from this blog.Write a book on Vatican Council II and e-mail me a copy. The earnings are all yours.

We need new books on Vatican Council II sine all the present ones are written with a false premise( LG 16-visible is an objective exception to EENS) and so the conclusion is non traditional(outside the Church there is known salvation) and liberal.

If in your new book you do not want to quote me or cite this blog as the source, it is fine.What I have written is the based upon common sense. It is the teaching of the Catholic Church. It belongs to all Catholics.It is the faith of a people.Whatever I have written here is 'open house'.

You do not even have to consult me. Just take the material from this blog, re-write it and print your book on Vatican Council II( Revised) , in any language.

Books are written in a week or less.Start now and send me a transcript the day after tomorrow.

If you check the links on the right hand side  bar of this blog, you can write a book on 1) Vatican Council II 2) Magisterial Heresy 3) Ecclesiology... There is enough material.

You could send me the plan of your book( titles and sub titles) and I could send you the material from this blog.-Lionel Andrades

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