Sunday, October 4, 2020

Archbishop Lefebvre was a liberal when he interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise

 Archbishop Lefebvre was a liberal when he interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise. -Lionel Andrades

I have never changed. I have preached and done what the Church has always taught.I have never changed what the Church said in the Council of Trent and the First Vatican Council II.So who has changed ? It is the enermy...- Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

Lionel: The change was made by Pope Pius XII and Archbishop Lefebvre in the Boston Heresy Case which they both accepted.It was not Cardinal Cushing who was in heresy for them but Fr. Leonard Feeney.
They assumed hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance were objective exceptions to the strict interpretation of EENS. 
Then they re-interpreted BOD and I.I in the Council of Trent ,the Catechism of  Pope Pius X etc, as referring to personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church.So visible exceptions to traditional EENS emerged.
So the Church now had EENS Cushingite i.e EENS with BOD and I.I being exceptions.This was the error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which was accepted by Bishop Lefebvre.
Over the centuries it was EENS Feeneyite i.e EENS with BOD and I.I being only hypothetical cases.So they were not objective exceptions to EENS, the Athanasius Creed etc.But for Archbishop Lefebvre too it had become outside the Church there is salvation.This was known salvation, for there to be exceptions to EENS.
This same error was repeated at Vatican Council II and Archbishop Lefebvre did not comment.He overlooked this particular mistake.
The error was repeated in Redemptoris Missio and other Magisterial documents.
Pope Paul VI could have interpreted Vatican Council II without this false premise and Archbishop Lefebvre did not seem to be aware of it.
So a  subtle change was brought into the Church.The SSPX has supported it.They have openly opposed the St. Benedict Centers on EENS.On their website they  criticize Fr. Leonard Feeney.Their theological position was the same as the liberals.-Lionel Andrades

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