Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Archdiocese of Boston mentioning the four marks of the Church is not enough since the Church doctrines and theology can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism and the understanding of Church (ecclesiology) changes



The Church is marked by four signs which help to identify its true nature: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.  An understanding of these four signs will help form a definition of the Catholic Church. 

Lionel: The Archdiocese interprets Magisterial documents with 

Cushingism while  I use Feeneyism. So mentioning the four marks  

of the Church is meaningless since our concept of Church will be 

different.They use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II 

while I avoid it. The false premise creates their liberalism.


The Church is One.  The unity of the Church is rooted in the unity of the Holy Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.  The Church has a common body of beliefs and is universal in doctrine.  All united under the Pope, Catholics profess one faith, creed, and set of moral teachings. 

Lionel: This is false. Doctrine and theology is changed

 when  a false premise is used. So we do not profess one

 Creed. Our interpretations of the Nicene and Athanasius

 Creed for example are different.


The Church is Holy. God is the ultimate source of holiness in the Church and Jesus Christ is the model of holiness for the Church.  The Church is holy since it was instituted by Christ, who gave the Church the gift of the Holy Spirit to continue his mission and ministry on earth.  Through the Church, one is called to live a life which leads to the wholeness of personal development and true relationship with God, the source of life and eternal salvation. 

The Church is Catholic.  The word “Catholic” means “universal.”  The Church, from the time Jesus commissioned the Apostles until the present age, has always been centered on spreading the message of Jesus Christ.  The Church of yesterday, today, and tomorrow will always have Christ as our foundation.  Furthermore, the Church is for all people throughout the world.   The Mass and the other sacraments are celebrated throughout the world, bringing all Catholics together in a spirit of prayer and unity.  

Lionel: False. The Church is Catholic and so different 

from other Christian churches and communities. It is

 exclusivist in its ecclesiology for me.This is not the 

conclusion of teh Archdiocese which interprets Vatican

 Council II with a false premise. 

The theology of the Mass in all Rites today is different

 from that of the 16th century.


The Church is Apostolic.  The Bishops, who are the successors to the Apostles, in union with the Pope, continue to teach, sanctify, and guide the church until Christ comes again.  The doctrine and way of life of the Church is the same today as it was in the time of the Apostles.  The good news of Jesus Christ announced by the Apostles almost 2,000 years ago continues to be announced by the Church today.  Furthermore, the Church recognizes the apostolic mission – to reach out to people of all nations and preach the Good News of the Gospel. 

Lionel: The Church for centuries taught outside the Church 

there is no salvation. This was changed by Cardinal Richard 

Cushing the Archbishop of Boston. Pope Paul VI interpreted 

Vatican Council II with the Cushing false premise.So there is 

a New Theology in the Archdiocese of Boston which is not

 the same as at the time 

of the Church Fathers or the Apostles.

The Church at the time of St. Paul was opposed by the

 Jews of that time. The Archdiocese of Boston is 

approved by the Jewish Left rabbis in Boston

.-Lionel Andrades



Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Center

66 Brooks Drive
BraintreeMA 02184

Phone: 617-254-0100

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