Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Bishop William Byrne the new bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, USA and all the auxiliary bishops of Boston and the Archbishop Cardinal Sean O Malley, had to be dishonest on Vatican Council II to be ordained a priest.They had to study at pontifical universities and seminaries especially after Vatican Council II and interpret Church documents with a false premise and inference


Bishop William Byrne the new bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, USA and all the auxiliary bishops of Boston and the Archbishop Cardinal Sean O Malley, had to be dishonest on Vatican Council II to be ordained a priest.They had to study at pontifical universities and seminaries especially after Vatican Council II and interpret Church documents with a false premise and inference. -Lionel Andrades 

OCTOBER 20, 2020

Rev. William Byrne named new bishop for Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts

 OCTOBER 20, 2020

New bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts had to fake it at the Angelicum and North American College, Rome to become a priest

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