Sunday, October 18, 2020

Cardinal Sean O Malley and Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci have been supporting the Left on the issue of the death penalty.So Church and State are not separate for them on this issue. They have also been supporting Biden on the abortion issue. They have not cautioned Catholics. They have not told Catholics not to vote for him.So Church and State are not separate on this issue too. They also do not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, without the New Theology.So they support the ADL's interpretation of EENS and Vatican Council II. The Leftist Church and Satanic secularism State needs to be separated

 Cardinal Sean O Malley and Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci have been supporting the Left on the issue of the death penalty.So Church and State are not separate for them on this issue.

They have also been supporting Biden on the abortion issue. They have not cautioned Catholics. They have not told Catholics not to vote for him.So Church and State are not separate on this issue too.

They also do not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, without the New Theology.So they support the ADL's interpretation of EENS and Vatican Council II.

The Leftist Church and Satanic secularism State needs to be separated. -Lionel Andrades


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