Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dio viene per salvarci dal vero problema che è la mancanza d'Amore, caus...

No Catholic in Boston today is expected to die for his Faith  since the bishops have interpreted Vatican Council II with a false premise suggesting there is known salvation outside the Church. So there are even non Catholics in Heaven according to the New Theology, based upon a false premise.-  Lionel Andrades


 The religious communities in Boston need to proclaim exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church by re-interpreting Vatican Council II rationally.. -Lionel Andrades


OCTOBER 20, 2020

Why should Catholic school children in Boston be taught a politicaly approved version of Vatican Council II when the Council is in harmony with EENS according to the original St. Benedict Center in Boston ?

 Why should Catholic school children in Boston be taught a politicaly approved version of Vatican Council II when the Council is in harmony with EENS according to the original St. Benedict Center in Boston ? -Lionel Andrades


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