Friday, October 16, 2020

Fr.John Zuhlsdorf offers the Latin Mass with the ecclesiology of the liberals and considers the Latin Mass superior to the Novus Ordo Mass which the rest of the Church offers with the same New Theology, like him.When the false premise is used a New Theology is created

 Fr.John Zuhlsdorf offers the Latin Mass with the ecclesiology of the liberals and considers the Latin Mass superior to the Novus Ordo Mass which the rest of the Church offers with the same New Theology, like him.When the false premise is used a New Theology is created.It is with this New Theology that Fr. Z interprets Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents  to crate a rupture with EEBS and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. The Latin Mass which he offers is the same as the 'Mass of the centuries' in the vestments but not in theology. -Lionel Andrades

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