Wednesday, October 28, 2020

If Diane Montagna a speaker at the CIC interprets Vatican Council II rationally (LG 16 not an objective exception to EENS) then she would lose her accreditation as a journalist with the Vatican .For she would be affirming a Feeneyite EENS, Feeneyite Syllabus of Errors, Feeneyite Vatican Council II.


If Diane Montagna a speaker at the Catholic Identity Congference interprets Vatican Council II rationally (LG 16 not an objective exception to EENS) then she would lose her accreditation as a journalist with the Vatican.For she would be affirming a Feeneyite EENS, Feeneyite Syllabus of Errors, Feeneyite Vatican Council II...
So along with the liberals and Masons she maintains the doctrinal crisis in the Catholic Church.For  her it is Cushingite EENS, Cushingite Syllabus of Errors, Cushingite Catechisms and Creeds...-Lionel Andrades

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