Friday, October 23, 2020

If I wear a badge on my coat lapel which says 'Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation - CCC 846' I am affirming a teaching of the Catholic Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church(845) says the Church is like the Ark of Noah that saved in the flood, in which all must enter.God the Father wants all people to be united in the Church(CCC 845). Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7), and Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People(NA 4).The Athanasius Creed says all need to be Catholic for salvation. If someone is saved outside the Church without faith and baptism it would only be known to God.I do not claim to be able to know any such case.The norm for salvation, in general, is Catholic faith and the baptism of water(AG 7). We cannot give any one the baptism of desire nor see someone saved with the baptism of blood without the baptism of water, or,saved in invincible ignorance. This is Jesus' teaching in John 3:5,Mark 16:6 , Matt.7:13 etc. It is a theme in the Gospel of John.There are no objective exceptons for us human beings

 If I wear a badge on my coat lapel which says 'Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation - CCC 846'  I am affirming a teaching of the Catholic Church.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church(845) says the Church is like the Ark of Noah that saved in the flood, in which all must enter.God the Father  wants all people to be united in the Church(CCC 845).

Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism  for salvation(AG 7), and Catholics are the new people of God, the new Chosen People(NA 4).The Athanasius Creed says all need to be Catholic for salvation.

If someone is saved outside the Church without faith and baptism  it would only be known to God.I do not claim to be able to know any such case.The norm for salvation, in general, is Catholic faith and the baptism of water(AG 7).

We cannot give any one the baptism of desire nor see someone saved with the baptism of blood  without the baptism of water, or,saved in invincible ignorance.

This is Jesus' teaching in John 3:5,Mark 16:6 , Matt.7:13 etc. It is a theme in the Gospel of John.There are no objective exceptons for us human beings.-Lionel Andrades


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