Monday, October 19, 2020

If Pope Francis can be pope, Paul VI interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and John XXIII reject traditional EENS and replace it with Cushingite EENS, then why cannot Hecker be a saint ? This is the Paulist reasoning

Fr.Greg Apparcel   the former Rector at  St. Patrick's Church, Rome was campaiging  to have the Americanist founder of hs religious community  be made a saint.Isaac Thomas Hecker rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as do the Paulists today.

The Paulist Fathers in Rome are obligated to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise. Otherwise they would be supporting Feeenyite EENS.

The U.S Ambassador to the Vatican visits this church for the Amercian community in Rome,  which is a center for schism, heresy and division in the Catholic Church.

Dissident Joan Lewis(EWTN) is active here.

If Pope Francis can be pope, Paul VI interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and John XXIII  reject traditional EENS and replace it with Cushingite EENS, then why cannot Hecker be a saint ? This is the Paulist reasoning..-Lionel Andrades

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