Saturday, October 31, 2020

Louie Verrecchio will not announce that he affirms the strict interpretation of EENS( practically there being no known exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II) since, he has a family to support.So he will not also affirm Vatican Council II,without exceptiions, knowing that there are no known exceptions in the present times (2020). Vatican Council II would not contradict EENS but he is not going to re-interpret the Council


Louie Verrecchio will not announce that he affirms the strict interpretation of EENS( practically there being no known exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II) since, he has a family to support.So he will not also affirm Vatican Council II,without exceptiions, knowing that there are no known exceptions in the present times (2020). Vatican Council II would not contradict EENS but he is not going to re-interpret the Council.- Lionel Andrades

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