Monday, October 12, 2020

Religious communities are not accepting vocations from young people who do not confuse speculative -practical theology, who do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. Catholics who do not confuse what is invisible as being visible are not allowed to study at Pontifical Universities in Rome. Parents who do not teach their chilren to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise cannot teach at RCIA or become Catechists

 Religious communities are not accepting vocations from young people who do not confuse speculative -practical theology, who do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. 

Catholics who do not confuse what is invisible as being visible are not allowed to study at Pontifical Universities in Rome. 

Parents who do not teach their chilren to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise cannot teach at RCIA or become Catechists.-Lionel Andrades

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