Friday, October 2, 2020

So the old Oath Against Modernism has been set aside.It is official.Vatican Council II with the false premise contradicts it.

Maike Hickson mentions the quiet abrogation of the Oath Against Modernism by Pope Paul VI, on July 17, 1967.1

The pope got rid of the Oath Against Modernism since it had become obsolete with Vatican Council II which he chose to interpret with the false premise, instead of without it.

With the false premise Vatican Council II eliminates the  exclusive salvation-doctrine. So it put to rest the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errors etc.

When the Council is interpreted officially, with the false premise, then there is an obvious rupture with Tradition. Modernism becomes common.

It is this modernist version of the Catholic Faith, supported by secular law (racist, Anti Semitic etc) that the Vatican supports.It is also defacto accepted by the Society of St.Pius X and the sedevantist churches and seminaries.Life Site News also genuflects before the political premise.

So the old Oath Against Modernism has been set aside.It is  official. 

The present Oath of Office of the Bishop and the Profession of Faith for the clery and laity has a non traditional understanding, with a rational and irrational interpretation available. -Lionel Andrades


Questions for Archbishop Viganò concerning the Oath Against Modernism and its abrogation

OCTOBER 1, 2020

There is no more a traditional Oath of Office or Profession of Faith : Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano took the false Oath of Office as a bishop and made a false Profession of Faith routinely, in ignorance. He changed the meaning of the Creeds and other Magisterial documents

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