Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Deposit of Faith is now Cushingite. In the past it was Feeneyite. We have EENS Cushingite (SSPX) and EENS Feeneyite (SBC)

 The Deposit of Faith  is now Cushingite. In the past it was Feeneyite. We have EENS Cushingite (SSPX) and EENS Feeneyite (SBC).

We have a Syllabus of Errors ( Cushingite) of the SSPX and the liberals but a Syllabus of Errors ( Feeneyite) for me.

EENS Feeneyite for Michael and Peter Dimond  but Vatican Council II Cushingite  for the both of them. 

There is the New Ecumenism for Pope Francis and Pope Benedict which is Cushingite and the old ecumenism for me a Feeneyite. -Lionel Andrades

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