Friday, October 9, 2020

The Judical Vicar in the diocese of Manchester, USA interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with a false premise and imposes sanctions on Catholics who do not do the same. This is a human rights issue


The Judical Vicar in the diocese of Manchester, USA interprets Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) with a false premise and imposes sanctions on Catholics who do not do the same. This is a human rights issue. -Lionel Andrades


Very Rev. Georges de Laire

Judicial Vicar

(603) 669-3101

Judicial Vicar

Canon 1420 of the Code of Canon Law reads in part:

§1. Each diocesan bishop is bound to appoint a judicial vicar, or officialis, with ordinary power to judge, distinct from the vicar general unless the small size of the diocese or the small number of cases suggests otherwise.

§2. The judicial vicar constitutes one tribunal with the bishop but cannot judge cases which the bishop reserves to himself.

The Judicial Vicar, with Bishop Libasci, forms the Tribunal of the Diocese of Manchester. In that capacity he oversees the cases and trials that are brought to the Tribunal for adjudication. The Judicial Vicar is assisted in his ministry by Ecclesiastical Judges, the Defender of the Bond, the Promoter of Justice, Advocates, Auditors, Experts and Notaries. Most of the cases brought before the Tribunal of the diocese involve challenges to the canonical validity of marriage, the Tribunal court also acts as the competent forum for other issues, such as the protection of the rights and obligations of the faithful as well as penal matters.

The Tribunal of Manchester provides educational services to the faithful and personnel in the deaneries and parishes of the Diocese in the form of workshops, lectures, and presentations relative to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, as well as diocesan policies, procedures, and particular law.

Father Georges de Laire is the Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Manchester.


OCTOBER 8, 2020

The Judicial Vicar does not choose to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS like and is imposing his views, supported by the bishop of Manchester, and the CDF, upon everyone in the diocese. This also has the approval of the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean o Malley. Married couples, lay Catholics , men and women religious, Catholic members of the Judiciary, Catholic politicians, all have to use the false premise.

OCTOBER 7, 2020

Should a secular Magistrate or Catholic judge in New England, Boston, New Hampshire etc, decide if all Catholic religious communities should interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise, confusing the speculative and practical, to be officially called Catholics ? Is this not dishonesty ? Is this not unethical and deceptive ?

 OCTOBER 7, 2020

The FSSP and Diocesan priests in the diocese of Manchester,USA offer Holy Mass in Latin, whch they call the Traditional Latin Mass, while they interpret Vatican Council II,EENS,the Creeds and Catechisms with a false premise, confusing speculative and practical theology, in a New Theology,and this is approved by the popes and the CDF.Without this New Theology there would be no rupture with 16th century EENS and the theology of the Traditional Latin Mass of that time.So the Latin Mass is offered by priests who have changed the Creeds, Catechisms and EENS with a false premise.

OCTOBER 6, 2020

The Judicial Vicar in the Diocese of Manchester, USA, supported by the CDF,is asking all religious communities , Catholic educational institutions, married couples and lay Catholics, to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise and confuse speculative and practical theology, to create a rupture with the Athanasius Creed which says all need to be Catholic for salvation.With his use of a false premise, the understanding of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance is changed.So there is a new version of the Nicene and Apostles Creed. There is no denial from the Diocese or the CDF.

 OCTOBER 6, 2020

The Judicial Vicar in the diocese of Manchester, USA interprets Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise and confuses speculative and practical theology to create a false rupture with Tradition( Athanasius Creed,Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27 Q etc).The Archbishop-Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Morandi and Di Noia, do the same as the Rev. Laire.How can this be considered Catholic ? This is dishonest.

OCTOBER 6, 2020

Rev. Georges Laire, JCL,the Judicial Vicar in the diocese of Manchester, USA uses a false premise in the intepretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and so confuses speculative and practical theology. This is indicated by the diocesan website.He wants Bro.Andre Marie MICM Prior at the St.Benedict Center to make the same error.


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