Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Latin Mass today is not the same as that of the past .This is not the Mass of the centuries, but that of the Catholic Church since the late 1940's


I seem to be in a head on collision with Boniface's illusions about the Latin Mass expressed on his blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam.This happens when I keep repeating that the Latin Mass of today is not the Traditional Latin Mass  of the 16th century missionaries , at least, not in theology.

The rubrics are the same as the past but the theology is the same as that of the Novus Ordo Mass and Mass in other rites.

This has come about since the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) has changed Catholic theology with the use of a false premise. The Holy Mass in all Rites is offered with the New Theology. So with the false premise there is a New Ecclesiology, a New Ecumenism, New Evangelisation etc, based on a common theological error.

There are no traditional salvation doctrines proclaimed at Mass in the homily.So Pope Francis and Pope Benedict support the Latin Mass of today.It's theology is the same as the Novus Ordo Mass or that of the Byzantine Greek Mass offered in Rome at St. Sofia's church, by Ukrainian Catholics.

The Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO) error is repeated in Vatican Council II and this is accepted by traditionalists and liberals.

So the SSPX applies the New Theology to Vatican Council II and rejects the Council while   Cardinal Kasper does the same, but accepts the Council.So Cardinal Kasper is content with a break with Tradition while the traditionalists are not. Both groups could avoid the false premise and then Vatican Council II would not be a rupture with Tradition. The ecclesiology of the Latin Mass would be the same as the Traditional Latin Mass.

Both groups blame the Council when the fault lies with the common false premise which confuses what is invisible as being visible and then makes the expected false  inference. 

In the Middle Ages the Jesuits offered Holy Mass affirming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. There  were no exceptions to the dogma EENS.But in 2016 Pope Benedict  said that EENS is more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century, for him, there was a development with Vatican Council II.He meant Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise.

Similarly EENS is no more the same for the SSPX. There was a development with Vatican Council II. Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise.

Also EENS is no more the same for the SSPX. There was a development with LOHO.Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre interpreted EENS with exceptions.

At the traditional Greek Mass for Catholics in the First Centry there was EENS with no exceptions.In the Middle Ages there was EENS with no exceptions since it is common sense that hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD) and invincible ignorance(I.I) could not be objective exceptions to EENS.

So for the Tridentine Rite Mass in the Middle Ages it was EENS with no exceptions.

So the Latin Mass today is not the same as that of the past .This is not the Mass of the centuries, but that of the Catholic Church since the late 1940's.-Lionel Andrades

September 20, 2020

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