Thursday, October 1, 2020

There is no more a traditional Oath of Office or Profession of Faith : Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano took the false Oath of Office as a bishop and made a false Profession of Faith routinely, in ignorance. He changed the meaning of the Creeds and other Magisterial documents

 There is no more a traditional Oath of Office or Profession of Faith. Since with the false premise, the Athanasius Creed , the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX are rejected and the interpretations of the Catechisms are changed.

When the bishop uses a false premise to interpret the Decree on Ecumenism ( Unitatis Redintigratio) in Vatican Council II, it is politically correct.However it is not magisterial.It is human error.

The Holy Spirit cannot make an objective mistake.

The Decree on  Ecumenism (UR) does not contradict an ecumenism of return when it is interpreted rationally i.e it is seen as hypothetical and speculative only.

Now politically and irrationally the bishop has to affirm heresy( rejection of EENS and Athanasius Creed etc) and schism ( rupture with past popes and Magisterium on Creeds, EENS etc) and this is approved by ecclesiastical Masonry.It is all official and open.

The Decree on Ecumenism for example, interpreted irrationally creates heresy and schism which is now accepted unknowingly by Catholics in general, who recite a Profession of Faith at Holy Mass.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano took the false Oath of Office as a bishop and made a false Profession of Faith routinely, in ignorance. He changed the meaning of the Creeds and other Magisterial documents..-Lionel Andrades

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