Saturday, October 10, 2020

We can choose the hermeneutic of continuity with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed and Catechism of Pope Pius X. It's simple.

 We can choose the hermeneutic of continuity with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed and Catechism of Pope Pius X. It's simple.

We return to the truths of reality; reality at the natural and supernatural  level.

This is how God  wanted it.

God wants all to be united in the Catholic Church(CCC 845).

845 To reunite all his children, scattered and led astray by sin, the Father willed to call the whole of humanity together into his Son's Church. The Church is the place where humanity must rediscover its unity and salvation. The Church is "the world reconciled." She is that bark which "in the full sail of the Lord's cross, by the breath of the Holy Spirit, navigates safely in this world." According to another image dear to the Church Fathers, she is prefigured by Noah's ark, which alone saves from the flood.- Catechism of the Catholic Church.-Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church is the only Ark of Noah that saves in the flood (CCC 845).Outside the Church there is no salvation(CCC 846). -Lionel Andrades

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