Friday, October 23, 2020

When I say outside the Church there is no salvation(AG 7, CCC 845, 846,1257 , Athanasius Creed etc) it is not that I dislike people of other religions.If someone else says outside his religion there is no salvation I have no objections in a secular state.I respect his right to say it even though I do not share his opinion.I expect people to be tolerant of my Catholic beliefs

 When I say outside the Church there is no salvation(AG 7, CCC 845, 846,1257 , Athanasius Creed etc) it is not that I dislike people of other religions.If someone else says outside his religion there is no salvation I have no objections  in a secular state.I respect his right to say it even though I do not share his opinion.I expect people to be tolerant of my Catholic beliefs. -Lionel Andrades

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