Saturday, October 24, 2020

When Lumen Gentium 14 suggests that invincible ignorance is an exception to Feeneyite EENS it is heresy. So all do not need to enter the Church for salvation is the conclusion but only those who know about Jesus and the Church.Invincible ignorance is an exception. For me invincible ignorance is always hypothetical and so LG 14 does not contradict EENS.But for the Council Fathers LG 14 is an exception to EENS.They were Cushingites. Even Cardinal Muller a few years back in an interview with Edward Pentin for the National Catholic Register, when asked about EENS, cited LG 14 as an exception. This is Cushingism. He uses the false premise to interpret invincible ignorance and LG 14 and then projects it as known salvation outside the Catholic Church. The Council Fathers (Cushing, Rahner , Ratzinger etc) were Cushingites, So they were promoting heresy..

 When Lumen Gentium 14 suggests that invincible ignorance is an exception to Feeneyite EENS it is heresy. So all do not need to enter the Church for salvation is the conclusion but only those who know about Jesus and the Church.Invincible ignorance is an exception.

For me invincible ignorance is always hypothetical  and so LG 14 does not contradict EENS.But for the Council Fathers LG 14 is an exception to EENS.They were Cushingites. Even Cardinal Muller a few years back in an interview with Edward Pentin for the National Catholic Register, when asked about EENS, cited LG 14 as an exception.

This is Cushingism. He uses the false premise to interpret invincible ignorance and LG 14 and then projects it as known salvation outside the Catholic Church.

The Council Fathers (Cushing, Rahner , Ratzinger etc) were Cushingites, So they were promoting heresy.. -Lionel Andrades

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