Monday, October 26, 2020

When someone says that we do not need traditional Mission as in the past - remember that he is a Cushingite.He is reading Vatican Council II wrongly. If someone says that we cannot proclaim the Kingship of Jesus Christ in all politics any more - remember he is a Cushingite.He is reading Vatican Council II irrationally. The Council supports the proclamation of EENS in Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation) and there are no exceptions to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church mentioned in Vatican Council II.So we need to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King to save souls. We have to look at the text of Vatican Council II, differently. Re-interpret Vatican Council II

 When someone says that we do not need traditional Mission as in the past - remember that he is a Cushingite.He is reading Vatican Council II wrongly.

If someone says that we cannot proclaim the Kingship of Jesus Christ in all politics any more - remember he is a Cushingite.He is reading Vatican Council II irrationally.

The Council supports the proclamation of EENS in Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation) and there are no exceptions to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church mentioned in Vatican Council II.So we need to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King to save souls.

We have to look at the text of Vatican Council II, differently. Re-interpret Vatican Council II.- Lionel Andrades

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