Sunday, October 18, 2020

When someone says with God everything is possible it is no arguement to reject EENS.Since with God even EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus) is possible.A possibility is not a real person, a real example of salvation outside the Catholic Church. But since the time of Pope Pius XII in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case, a possibility is considered an objective example of salvation outside the Catholic Church and this is the official New Theology i.e outside the Church there is known salvation. So with the New Theology, the followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre(SSPX) and Bishop Thuc ( CMRI, MHFM) interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc are objective exceptions to EENS. So then they wrongly reject Vatican Council II( interpreted without the false premise). The fault lies with them and their false premise

 When someone says with God everything is possible it is no arguement to reject EENS.Since with God even EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus) is possible.A possibility is not a real person, a real example of salvation outside the Catholic Church.

But since the time of Pope Pius XII in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case, a possibility is considered an objective example of salvation outside the Catholic Church and this is the official New Theology i.e outside the Church there is known salvation.

So with the New Theology, the followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre(SSPX)  and Bishop Thuc ( CMRI, MHFM) interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc are objective exceptions to EENS. So then they wrongly reject Vatican Council II( interpreted without the false premise).

The fault lies with them and their false premise. -Lionel Andrades

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