Monday, October 26, 2020

When there is a reference to Fr. .Karl Rahner's Anonymous Christian know that an Anonymous Christian does not exist in our reality. We cannot see or meet someone saved outside the Catholic Church.We cannot see someone who will be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). There can be no known exceptions for us human beings to the Athanasius Creed which states all need Catholic Faith for salvation. For Cushingites, who reason irrationally, there are Anonymous Christians, saved outside the Catholic Church.For Feeneyites there are obviously no known people saved outside Church, for example in 1965-2020. Only God would know if there was someone saved outside the Church

When there is a reference to Fr. .Karl Rahner's Anonymous Christian know that an Anonymous Christian does not exist in our reality. We cannot see or meet someone saved outside the Catholic Church.We cannot see someone who will be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). There can be no known exceptions for us human beings to the Athanasius Creed which states all need Catholic Faith for salvation.

For Cushingites, who reason irrationally, there are Anonymous Christians, saved outside the Catholic Church.For Feeneyites there are obviously no known people saved outside Church, for example in 1965-2020. Only God would know if there was someone saved outside the Church. -Lionel Andrades

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